Tight & Bright Total Skin Solution


Tight & Bright Total Skin Solution

Lutronic Genius RF

If you want to give your skin a complete overhaul, one of the options we offer at Timeless Laser & Skin Care is the Tight & Bright Total Skin Solution.

This option combines the collagen-boosting powers of Genius RF Microneedling with the Lutronic LaseMD Ultra laser, addressing numerous skin concerns. Learn more about these procedures and how they combine to offer quality results.

Genius RF Microneedling: How It Works

As we age, our bodies begin to produce less collagen and elastin, two proteins crucial for maintaining skin texture and turgor (tightness). By our 40's, we can begin to see the results of the cumulative loss of collagen and elastin in fine lines, early wrinkles, and sagging
Radiofrequency microneedling helps jump-start the production of those proteins. The microneedles are conduits through which RF energy is employed to heat the deeper layers of your skin, prompting your body to create new collagen and elastin.

At our clinic, we use the Lutronic Genius device to perform the Genius RF Microneedling procedure. This device uses gold-tipped needles to deliver the RF energy into the microchannels, offering real-time temperature adjustments to ensure skin layers receive the exact heat they need to stimulate collagen and elastin production.
Radiofrequency microneedling can be an excellent acne scar treatment while also offering the skin-tightening results you want.

Lutronic LaseMD Ultra: How It Works

The second part of our Tight & Bright Total Skin Solution relies on the Lutronic LaseMD Ultra treatment. This is a skin resurfacing option that uses a non-ablative laser, which can reach deep into your skin layers without harming the epidermis or top skin layer.

By penetrating deeper layers, the Lutronic LaseMD Ultra can help with scars and pigmentation issues.

Not only does the heat created by the laser help with scars and pigmentation, but it also stimulates collagen production. We offer different laser intensity levels to treat a variety of skin concerns.

  • Refresh: UltraGlow

    This laser treatment focuses on refreshing your skin, giving it the glow you want. As the years pass, skin can get dull because of pigmentation issues. The Lutronic LaseMD Ultra targets pigment molecules so that you can have a more even and beautiful skin tone. This is an ideal procedure for individuals who want a minimally invasive procedure to maintain and refresh the skin and have no other specific concerns. You can expect no downtime.

  • Refine: Tight + Bright Total Skin Solution for Wrinkle Reduction, Laxity, and Texture

    For patients concerned about wrinkles on the face, neck, or hands; unwanted pigment, or certain textural complaints, we combine the Genius RF Microneedling with LaseMD Ultra thulium laser. This procedure stimulates collagen production, to help smooth and tighten the skin as well as improve pigment, giving you a more youthful appearance. Usually, patients need 3 treatments, 6 weeks apart. The skin continues to improve until 3 months after the 3rd treatment.

  • Resmooth: Acne Scar Treatment

    We combine Genius RF Microneedling and LaseMD Ultra thulium laser to help diminish acne scars. Most patients need 3 treatments, 6 weeks apart. Results continue to improve for 3-6 months after the last treatment.

  • Renew: Treatment for Melasma and Unwanted Pigment

    This treatment is especially beneficial for patients with melasma or bothersome brown spots. We use the LaseMD Ultra. Immediately after the procedure, we apply a serum that you will also apply at home for 4-7 days to boost your results. Patients usually need one to three treatments.

Give Your Skin The Boost It Needs

When you choose the Tight & Bright Total Skin Solution procedure, you get all of the benefits of Genius RF Microneedling plus a non-invasive resurfacing laser therapy at the same time. Whether you worry about wrinkles, acne scars, or melasma, this procedure can help.
At Timeless Laser & Skin Care in Westlake, OH, we work hard to customize treatments for all of our patients. By using the best technologies out there and combining treatments to maximize results, we can help you achieve the skin health you want. Contact us to learn more!

  • Benefits of Genius RF Microneeding, LaseMD Ultra thulium laser, and Tight & Bright Total Skin Solution

    These treatments are safe for most skin types and can be performed in the summer, providing you with flexibility and allowing us to customize treatments to offer the best results. They are minimally-invasive, allowing you to enjoy the results without worrying about long or difficult recovery times. For most of these treatments, you can get back to your regular activities almost immediately.

  • Preparing For RF Microneedling And Lutronic LaseMD Ultra

    If you are interested in these treatments, we ask that you schedule an appointment with us for a consultation. We will ask for your full medical history and a list of the medication and supplements you take.

    Before the procedure, we recommend you stop taking blood thinners, including:

    ● Aspirin
    ● Ibuprofen
    ● Fish oil
    ● Ginkgo biloba
    ● Vitamin E
    ● St. John’s Wort

    You should also avoid any products or services that might make your skin more sensitive, including chemical peels, exfoliants, and products with salicylic acid. It is also important to avoid sun tanning or self-tanners for 2 weeks. A few days before the procedure, we recommend you stop drinking alcohol.

  • What To Expect From The Procedure

    We will order topical numbing for you. Apply it as directed 1 hour before your appointment, and leave it on. We will remove it when you come in. Please arrive on time.
    At Timeless Laser & Skin Care, we provide several modalities to limit discomfort. In addition to topical numbing, we apply cold air and offer Pro-Nox nitrous oxide. Most patients report that this combination is very effective.
    The procedure length will vary depending on the areas we treat and the conditions you want to have addressed. Once we finish, you are free to return to your day.
    Because your skin needs to heal, you should avoid prolonged sun exposure for 5-7 days. We will provide the products we want you to use post-procedure. Please use them as instructed.

Laser Skin Care Center in Westlake, OH

Look Your Best At Any Age

Start reaching your skin care goals with Timeless Laser and Skin Care.